Essex County February Housing Report 2/8/2021

Essex County February Housing Report 2/8/2021 - Covid 19

Inventory remains at record low levels, Prices up strongly year over year, but Price Resistance Month over Month for Singles and Condos.

Month Over Month, Jan 2021 vs December 2020

  • Median Sales Prices Down for Singles and Condos, Up for Multis:
 Single Families -2%; Condos -2.1%; Multi-Families +4.7%

  • Unit Sales Plunged for Singles, Condos and Multis: â€¨
    Single Families -40.8%, Condos -37.6%, Multi-Families -29.4%.

  • Active Listings (Inventory) Continue to Plummet: Single Families -33.1%; Condos -27.2%; Multi-Families -35.7% - record low inventory

Year Over Year, Jan 2021 vs Jan 2020

  • Median Sales Prices Up Double Digit: Single Families +11.4%; Condos +10.9%; Multi-Families +11.1%

  • Unit Sales Up: Single Families +0.9% and Condos +19.5% and Multi- Families +20.3%.

    • Number of Active Listings Plunged: Single Families -59.4%; Condos -47.0%; Multi-Families -44.1% - record low inventory

To view data for every Essex County town, go to:
To dowload the full Housing Report go to:

Essex County Annual Housing Report: 2020 vs 2019 & 2019 vs 2018

Essex County Annual Housing Report 1/23/2021 - Covid 19

For the comparative years: 2018 vs 2019 and 2019 vs 2020:


Median Sales Prices rose at an accelerated pace

2018 vs 2019, Median Sales Prices Rose:

+4.4% for Singles; +6.4% for Condos and +9.1% for 2-4 Units

2019 vs 2020, Median Sales Prices Rose:

+13.2% for Singles; +10% for Condos and 14.4% for 2-4 Units


The Number of Active Listings declined: 

2018 vs 2019, Change in Number of Active Listings (weighted average):

-5.7% Singles; +5.4% Condos and -19% for 2-4 Units

2019 vs 2020, Change in Number of Active Listings (weighted average):

-35.7% Singles; -26.1% Condos and -26.5% for 2-4 Units


Months of Inventory Fell (6 months is a balanced market):

2018 vs 2019, Change in Months of Inventory:

-10.7% to 2.5 months for Singles; + 4.3% to 2.4 months for Condos and -14.3% to 2.4 months for 2-4 Units

2019 vs 2020, Change in Months of Inventory:

-32% to 1.7 months for Singles; -25% to 1.8 months for Condos and -8.3% to 2.2 months for 2-4 Units


Essex County January Housing Report 1/11/2021

Essex County January Housing Report 1/11/2021 - Covid 19

Inventory at record low levels, Prices up strongly year over year, but Price Resistance from November to December 2020.

Month Over Month, December 2020 vs November 2020

  • Median Sales Prices Flat for Singles and Down For Condos and Multis: Single Families +0.4%; Condos -4.1%; Multi-Families -1.7%

  • Unit Sales still Down for Singles but up Condos and Multis: â€¨ Single Families -5.7%, Condos +7.0%, Multi-Families +49.3%.

  •  Active Listings (Inventory) Continue to Plummet: Single Families -37.2%; Condos -28.2%; Multi-Families -24.2% - record low inventory

Year Over Year, December 2020 vs December 2019

  • Median Sales Prices Still Rising: Single Families +17.4%; Condos +6.9%; Multi-Families +14.0%

  • Unit Sales Up Strongly: Single Families +10.6% and Condos +15.9% and Multi-Families +9.3%.

  • Number of Active Listings Plunged: Single Families -56.0%; Condos -42.3%; Multi-Families -35.4% - record low inventory

New Year, New Home? Set Homeownership Goals Whether You're Buying, Selling, or Staying Put

New Year, New Home? Set Homeownership Goals Whether You’re Buying, Selling, or Staying Put

The start of a new year always compels people to take a fresh look at their goals, from health and career to relationships and finance. But with historically low mortgage rates, increased home sales and price growth, and a tight housing inventory, the time is right to also make some homeownership resolutions for 2021.

Home buyers, is this the year you work to improve your credit score, pay down some debt, or save for a down payment? 

Home sellers, we’ve laid out plans for you to get top dollar for your property, including timing your home sale, making your property stand out from the crowd, and investing in your extra living space. 

And even if you’re staying put for awhile, homeowners, you can resolve to improve your status quo by evaluating your home budget, finalizing your home maintenance schedule, or maybe investing in a second property.

So no matter your homeownership status, we’ve got some ideas and advice for you to make this year your best one yet. Read on to learn more.


Resolution #1: Qualify for a better mortgage with a higher credit score.

Your credit report highlights your current debt, bill-paying history, and other key financial information. Importantly for your home-buying journey, it is also used by lenders and companies to calculate your credit score, which partly determines if you are qualified to obtain a mortgage. Therefore, before you start house-hunting, make sure your finances are in the best possible shape by checking your credit report from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion (via You can also obtain your credit score for free from some banks and credit card companies.

Your credit score will be a number ranging from 300-850.1 Generally speaking, a credit score of 740 or higher is considered very good to excellent.2 If your FICO score drops below 740, you might need to work at boosting your score for a few months before you begin house-hunting. Ways to do this are to pay your bills on time every month, keep your credit card balances low, and avoid applying for new credit.

Resolution #2: Improve your credit health by paying down debt

Do you have student loans, credit card debt, or car payments tying up your income each month? That debt is hurting your “buying power,” or the amount of home you can afford. Not only is it money that you can't spend on your new home, but your debt-to-income ratio also affects your credit score, which we discussed above. The less debt you have, the higher your FICO score and the better mortgage you can obtain.

If you can, pay off some debt in its entiretylike a low balance on a credit card. Then apply that "extra" money you previously paid on that credit card to pay off bigger debt, like a car loan. Even if you can’t pay off all (or any) of your debt in full, reducing the balances of each account will help you qualify for the best possible mortgage terms.

Resolution #3: Create a financial safety net before applying for a mortgage

Don’t forget that buying a home requires some cash as well. A down payment is typically 7% of a home’s purchase price, and closing costs currently average $3,700.3,4 You’ll also need money for moving expenses and any initial maintenance tasks that might pop up. And as the pandemic taught us, you never know when an unforeseen event might cause a job loss, drop in income, or health scare, so having some liquid savings will ensure that you can still pay your mortgage if a crisis occurs.

Dedicate some effort to building up your reserves. Cut down on unnecessary expenses, and consider having a portion of each paycheck automatically deposited into your savings account to avoid the temptation to spend it.


Resolution #4: Decide on the right time to sell your home.

If you’re looking to maximize profit on the sale of your home, selling earlier in the year makes sense. Listing prices historically increase early in the year, peak in May, plateau through June, and decrease for the remainder of the year.5And, according to the National Association of Realtors, “[w]ith both mortgage rates and the number of homes available for sale expected to remain relatively low, home prices are likely to continue to increase. [In] mid-January, home prices typically begin a quick ramp-up in a normal year.”5

But sales price isn’t the only thing to consider. You might not be ready to sell your home yet because you don't want to uproot your kids during the school year or because you need to tackle some minor upgrades before placing your home on the market. 

This means that there is no one month or season that is the perfect time to sell your home. Instead, the right timeline for you takes into account factors such as when you’ll earn the highest profit, personal convenience, and whether your home is even ready to put on the market. A trusted real estate professional can talk you through your specific needs to clarify when to sell your home. 

Resolution #5: Boost your home’s resale value by making your property shine.

Housing inventory is at historic lows across the country, and that means the market is fiercely competitive.6 Selling your home in 2021 has the potential to net you a huge return right now, and you can maximize that amount with some simple fixes to make sure your property outshines your neighbors' for sale down the street. 

In your home, you might need to tackle a minor remodeling project, such as upgrading the flooring or adding a fresh coat of paint. According to the National Association of Realtors’ 2019 Remodeling Impact Report, simply refinishing existing hardwood floors recoups 100% of the cost at resale, and completely replacing it with new wood flooring recovers 106% of costs.7

Outside, you might consider improving your curb appeal by removing a dead bush, trimming a tree that blocks the front window, or power-washing your moldy driveway and sidewalks. In fact, real estate agents say cleaning the exterior of your house can add $10,000 to $15,000 to a home’s sale price.8 And according to a Virginia Tech study, improving a home’s landscaping may increase its value by 10 to 12%.9

A good agent should provide custom-tailored suggestions to ensure your property pops inside and out. Ask us about our local insider secrets that will make your home stand out from others on the market.

Resolution #6: Invest in your “extra” living space to meet current buyers’ needs

Due to COVID-19, more people are staying at home to work, go to school, exercise, and stay entertained. And these lifestyle changes are showing up in home buyer preferences. For example, according to one study, buyers are looking more and more for homes with formal, outfitted home offices, private outdoor spaces, and updated kitchen appliances.10 

So if you’ve got an underutilized room, consider turning it into an office, home gym, schoolroom, or multi-purpose room to meet current home buyer needs and attract better offers on your home. Got some underwhelming space outside? You could turn it into an outdoor entertainment area by adding a firepit, upgrading the patio furniture, or installing a grilling area. Be sure to consult with a local real estate professional before investing in a renovation, however, as each market’s buyers have different tastes.


Resolution #7: Evaluate your household budget to reflect financial changes.

After this past year, in particular, your financial picture may have changed. Maybe you were furloughed, had your hours reduced, or got a new job further from home. Perhaps you’ve kept the same job, but you’re now working remotely. A work-from-home arrangement could mean less money spent on gas, tolls, a professional wardrobe, and dining out for lunch. 

But this could also mean new (or increased) expenses now that you’re working at home, such as new tech-related purchases, faster Wi-Fi, and higher energy bills. January marks the perfect opportunity to update your income and expenses and review last year’s spending habits, tweaking as needed for 2021.

For more specific ideas, contact us for our free report "20 Ways to Save Money and Stretch Your Household Budget."

Resolution #8: Save money now (and earn more later) with a home maintenance plan.

Having a schedule of regular home maintenance projects to tackle will save you money now and in the long-term. You’ll avoid some surprise “emergency fixes,” and when you’re ready to eventually sell your home, you’ll get higher offers from buyers who aren’t put off by overdue repairs.

Even if nothing necessarily needs fixing right now, you can lower your energy costs by maintaining and upgrading your home.  According to the U.S. Department of Energy, simple fixes add up: replace five most frequently used bulbs with ENERGY STAR ones to save $75/year; repair leaky faucets to save $35/year; replace older toilets with low-flow models to save $100/year; and seal air leaks to save $83-$166/year.11

For a breakdown of home maintenance projects to tackle throughout the year, contact us for our free report “House Care Calendar: A Seasonal Guide to Maintaining Your Home.”

Resolution #9: Invest in real estate for a better standard of living.

Even if you don’t plan on leaving your current residence, real estate is a great way to improve your quality of life in 2021. 

Have cabin fever from the long quarantine? A vacation home in a getaway location you love lets you safely spread your wings. And if you have been looking for a second stream of income, an investment property might be your answer. Just be sure to consult with a real estate professional to get a realistic sense of a property’s true income potential.

Want more information on how a second property fits into your 2021 plans? Request our free report, "Move Up vs Second Home: Which One Is Right For You?"


Without a plan and a support system, 55% of Americans will break their new year’s resolutions.12 Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or stay put in your home, it helps to connect with a trusted real estate agent to keep you motivated and on track.

As local market experts, we have the knowledge, experience, and networks to help you achieve your homeownership goals, whatever they may be. Reach out to us today for a free consultation and commit to a happy and prosperous new year.


  1. -
  2. Equifax -
  3. NerdWallet -
  4. Zillow -
  5. -
  6. Business Insider -
  7. National Association of Realtors -
  8. House Logic -
  9. Virginia Cooperative Extension -
  10. HomeLight -
  11. U.S. Department of Energy -
  12. Ipsos -


2021 Housing Forecast

Keeping Current Matters 2021 Housing Forecast for USA. KCM


Essex County Housing Report December 2020

Essex County December Housing Report 12/15/2020 - Covid 19

 Month Over Month, November 2020 vs October 2020

  • Median Sales Prices Down for Singles But Up For Condos and Multis: Single Families -0.4%;  Condos +5.8%;  Multi-Families +6.4%
  • Unit Sales Down, caused by Declining Inventory: Single Families -1.7%, Condos -10.9%.  Multi-Families -14.8%.
  • Active Listings (Inventory) Continue to Drop: Single Families -23.1%; Condos -22.7%; Multi-Families  -13.1%

 Year Over Year, November 2020 vs November 2019


The New Normal: A Strong Housing Market Expected to Continue into 2021


The New Normal: A Strong Housing Market Expected to Continue into 2021

 “2020 will be known for a lot of things, and a record-breaking year for real estate will certainly be one of its more unexpected legacies,” prominent economist Daryl Fairweather said.1 And he’s right: most of us would have expected the housing market to suffer from circumstances like a once-in-a-hundred-years pandemic and historic inventory shortages. 

But, rather than a slowdown, we are continuing to experience a surprisingly robust real estate market across the country. And experts estimate that these conditions are likely to last well into the new year. Fannie Mae Senior VP and Chief Economist Doug Duncan predicts that existing home sales will ultimately “be up a percent or more in 2021.” He believes home prices will continue to rise due to limited inventory, but he is confident the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates low into the future, which will be “very good for households.”2

Market conditions like fewer available listings, changing criteria for desired homes, and record-low mortgage rates are changing the way people buy and sell homes, most likely in a lasting way. But this sustained activity, even in the uncertainty that is 2020, proves that our country still views real estate as a sound investment. The only question now is how you can take advantage of the housing market’s “new normal.” 


Inventory, meaning the number of homes for sale, is at a record low across the country. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reports there are fewer homes on the market today than the association has seen in data going all the way back to 1982.Currently, the total housing inventory is about 1.47 million units, which is a decline of 19.2% from one year ago.4

Experts do predict some relief on the horizon. MarketWatch had previously anticipated housing starts would occur at a pace of 1.45 million and building permits would come in at a pace of 1.52 million.But it turns out that the market exceeded expectations: compared with last year, housing starts are up 11% and permitting for new homes occurred at a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 1.55 million. That represents a 5% increase from August and an 8% increase from a year ago.

For now, the fact that there are fewer listings creates an advantageous housing market for sellers. There are several reasons why. 

For one, buyers have to act fast to snap up available homes. As a result, most properties that come on the market stay for an average of just 21 days before they are sold.6 “That is the fastest ever recorded in our monthly series,” says NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun.

Another benefit is that sellers are enjoying higher net returns on their listings. This is thanks to the tough competition for homes, which often results in bidding wars between buyers. Nationwide, the median home price in September rose to $311,800. That translates to about $40,000 (15%) more than just a year ago.7

This seller’s market is not simply a product of the pandemic. In fact, in the country’s top 100 metro markets, inventory has been dwindling since the first quarter of 2020.8 This means that even with increased construction, buyers can’t simply wait for things to go back to normal before reentering the market. Rather, all signs indicate that this is the new normal.

What It Means for Homeowners: 

These higher home prices show that buyers are willing to spend more on a home right now than they did last year. So, if there ever were a time to list for top dollar—and expect to receive asking price quickly—that time is now. Ask us for a free consultation of your home’s value today.

What It Means for Homebuyers:

Due to low inventory, buyers could easily find themselves in a bidding war. Time is of the essence in a seller’s market, so you’ll need to get your financing in order and be preapproved for a loan before you begin your home search. We can connect you with a trusted mortgage professional to get you started.


Don’t worry, homebuyers. This “new normal” of real estate has benefits for you too.  

For example, people used to base their next home purchase on how far the commute was to work or in which public school district it was. But now, thanks to the pandemic shifting the locus of jobs and work, they are free to consider what they need from a home to make it a place they truly want to be in as they work, teach, exercise, cook, and live. 

Often, this equates to needing more space in different types of areas. consumer surveys show that people are desiring quieter neighborhoods, home offices, updated kitchens, and access to the great outdoors.9 The search for these criteria is driving residents out of densely populated metropolitan areas and into the suburbs.10 And this exodus from cities is good news for buyers: it opens up more possibilities for inventory that they could not have considered pre-pandemic. 

Another advantage for buyers is the record-low mortgage rates. The average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage hit a record low in mid-October when rates fell to 2.81%. That’s the lowest since Freddie Mac began conducting the survey in 1971, and well below last year’s 3.69%.11 Similarly, a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage can be had for as low as 2.35% compared to 3.15% a year ago.

Thanks to these rates, buyers are afforded the opportunity to buy nearly $32,000 more home than they could one year ago, while keeping their monthly payment the same.12 So even though home prices are high now, it is currently more affordable to buy a home now than it was last year.

If you want to take advantage of these rock-bottom mortgage rates, you need to act fast. Though rates are projected to stay low, housing economists predict that the window of opportunity to get the best rate could be closing in the coming months. Mike Fratantoni, chief economist at the Mortgage Bankers Association, said he expects the average rate on a 30-year mortgage to rise to 3.5% by the end of 2021.13

What It Means for Homeowners:

Record-low mortgage rates offer you the opportunity to lower your monthly payment—or even take out some equity—with a refinance. With those additional funds, you could even choose to invest in a second home in a new desirable location. Reach out to us for a referral to a trusted mortgage professional or an agent in those markets. 

What It Means for Homebuyers:

The time is now to determine how much home you can comfortably afford and make a plan to find it. We can set up a search for you to find homes that best meet your new needs, even if they’re in neighborhoods you wouldn’t have considered before. 


Despite the seemingly adverse buyer conditions, 2020 experienced a 14-year high number of home sales, NAR reports. Existing-home sales, which include single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops, rose 9.4% in September to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 6.54 million.14 That’s a 21% increase from a year ago! 

Every region of the country has seen a surge in sales activity. According to George Ratiu, senior economist for, part of the reason for these continued sales is that the pandemic has created a paradigm shift in the patterns of real estate.15 For example, housing needs are typically resolved by late summer and early fall to coincide with the commencement of the new school year. With homeschooling and remote work, however, buyers have been freed to continue their home search into the traditionally slow winter months.

Another reason for the robust market is that Millennials are finally putting their money into homeownership. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the homeownership rate for 25-to-34-year-olds rose to 40.7% by the end of last year.16 This is significant because Millennials, the generation of people in their mid-20s to late-30s, currently surpasses Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living adult generation. As the remaining percentage of this group starts investing in homes in the near future, demand will persist.

All of these factors indicate that the housing market is poised to remain strong as we head into the new year. And as Jonathan Woloshin, head of U.S. real estate at UBS Global Wealth Management, believes, they could “buoy the housing market for years to come.”17 

What It Means for Homeowners:

It’s tempting to believe that homes will basically sell themselves in a market like this. But we’re still seeing properties that are overpriced and under-marketed sit unsold. We can help you optimize the process of selling your home so you can get the best possible offer.

What It Means for Homebuyers:

Preparation is key to success in a seller’s market like this, but don’t let yourself become paralyzed. We are here to answer your questions and offer sound advice to guide you through all the options that are available to you.


Your other investments might have been on roller coasters this year, but the real estate market has been steady, competitive, and strong throughout. That makes it a good choice for your financial future.

National real estate numbers can give us a pulse on the market, but real estate happens in our own backyard. As your local market experts, we can help you understand the finer points of the market that impact sales and home values in your own neighborhood. 

If you’re considering buying or selling a home before the new year or in early 2021, contact us now to schedule a free consultation. We’ll work with you to develop an actionable plan to meet your goals.


  1. Redfin -

  2. Housing Wire -

  1. CNBC –

  1. NAHB –

  1. MarketWatch –

  1. National Association of Realtors –

  1. Business Insider -

  2. Forbes -

  1. –

  2. Wealth Advisor –

  3. Washington Post -

  1. Forbes –

  1. BankRate -

  1. National Association of Realtors –

  1. Forbes -

  1. TD Economics –,47.7%25%20at%20a%20comparable%20age.&text=This%20means%20that%201.4%20million,that%20of%20the%20older%20generation

  1. Axios Media -

Essex County Housing Report November 2020

Essex County November Housing Report 11/12/2020 - Covid 19

Month Over Month, October 2020 vs September 2020

  • Median Sales Prices Down for Singles, Condos and Multis: Single Families -3.8%;  Condos -11.5%;  Multi-Families -11.7%
  • Unit Sales Also Down: Single Families -1.9%, and Condos -3.8%.  Multi-Families were unchanged.
  • Number of Active Listings Continue to Drop but at slower pace: Single Families -3.9%; Condos -4.8%; Multi-Families  -2.9%

Year Over Year, October 2020 vs October 2019

Essex County Housing Report Q3, 2020

Essex County Q3 Housing Report 10/9/2020 - Covid 19

Quarter Over Quarter, Q3 2020 vs Q2 2020

  • Median Sales Prices Up Strongly for all categories: Single Families +8.7%;  Condos +5.9%;  Multi-Families +11.9%
  • Unit Sales Surged for all categories:  Single Families +57.3, Condos +69% and Multi-Families +41.9%.
  • Number of Active Listings Continue to Drop: Single Families -12.9%; Condos -7.0%; Multi-Families  -18.5%

Year Over Year, Q3 2020 vs Q3 2019

  • Median Sales Prices Up Double Digit:  Single Families +14.3%; Condos +12.5%;  Multi-Families +14.1% 
  • Unit Sales were Mixed: Single Families -2.4%; Condos +10.1%; and Multi-Families -23.4%
  • Number of Active Listings Plunged: Single Families -44.7%; Condos -34.3%; Multi-Families -45.1%

 To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

To dowload the full Housing Report go to:


Essex County Housing Report October 2020


Essex County October Housing Report 10-9-2020 - Covid 19

Month Over Month, September 2020 vs August 2020

1. Median Sales Prices Down for Singles but Up Double Digit for Condos and Multis: Single Families -2%;  Condos +12.4%;  Multi-Families +12.5%

2. Unit Sales Down -4.3% for Single Families, Up 1.0% for Condos and Up 23.4% for Multi-Families.

3. Number of Active Listings Continue to Drop: Single Families -12.8%; Condos -5.6%; Multi-Families  -2.5%

Year Over Year, August 2020 vs August 2019

1. Median Sales Prices Up Double Digit:  Single Families +19.9%; Condos +15.4%;  Multi-Families +18% 

2. Unit Sales were up stongly for: Single Families +17.9%; Condos +19.6%; and down sharply for Multi-Families -17.7%

3. Number of Active Listings Plunged: Single Families -49.9%; Condos -36.1%; Multi-Families -46.1%


To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 
To dowload the full Housing Report go to: